Recommended Reading and Watching.


How does diet & activity impact mental health?



  • A great description by James Gaines ( of the basics of anxiety.
  • What is it like to live with high functioning anxiety? By Sarah Schuster,
  • An article by Eric W. Dolan about new research that suggests that anxiety impacts working memory so anxious people may find it difficult to perform tasks.


THE IMPORTANCE OF Language & body language

  • David Robson (BBC) discusses the interesting language of emotion, or lack of language for emotion!
  • Lim Kairen ( explains how positive and negative words actually changes the way your brain works.
  • Emily Esfahani Smith ( and the two kinds of stories we tell about ourselves.
  • The importance of body language explained by the brilliant Amy Cuddy in this TED Talk.
  • Repeated complaining rewires your brain to make future complaining more likely. Over time, you find it’s easier to be negative than to be positive, regardless of what’s happening around you.” Dr. Travis Bradberry.
  • Meg Selig in Psychology Today discusses changing thought patterns. “Yes, your mind—that is, your thoughts— can change your brain. Odd as it may sound, as you create new thought patterns, you actually rewire your brain.”
  • A great blog by Adam Sicinski ( about reframing thoughts and how it works.


Enspiring and uplifting things to read and watch

  • A beautiful video by Alan Watts & David Lindberg suggesting why your life should not be all about the end point or goal, it is the journey that is important.
  • A comic by Matthew Inman, author of The Oatman exploring what ‘happy’ means.
  • An amazingly positive & empowering way to respond to hurtful people by the NY Times best-selling author Rachel Macy Stafford.
  • We all know how to maintain our physical health, but what do we know about maintaining our psychological health? A great TED Talk by Guy Winch.
  • Brene Brown's famous TED Talk about the strength of vulnerability
  • And her subsequent one about listening to shame.
  • Robert Waldinger discusses the findings of the worlds longest study of happiness
  • Thandie Newton talks about the importance of embracing oneself
  • Tim Ferris discusses why it can be important to face your fears instead of your goals. 



  • “Who moved my cheese.” by Dr Spencer Johnson. This is a brilliant, book introducing how to. “learn how to deal with change, so you suffer less stress and enjoy more success in your work and in life.” (Quoted from the back cover.)
  • “Man’s Search for Meaning.” by Viktor Frankle. Dr. Frankl was an author-psychiatrist who was in Auschwitz and other concentration camps. He writes this amazing book from his observations about how people find a greater meaning in life, despite what they are going through. I highly recommend it.
  • “The Chimp Paradox.” Dr Steve Peters. A book written by Dr. Steve Peters who has become famous for his work with top athletes. This is a, “mind management programme to help you achieve success, confidence and happiness.”



  • Inside Out. Even though this is a kid’s movie, it is a brilliant and clear look into our mind. Recommended for adults as well as kids.
  • Who Moved My Cheese? A short animation of the book mentioned before.
  • A review synopsis & explanation of Who Moved my Cheese.
  • Man's Search for Meaning. An animated synopsis of the amazing book. 


If you have any recommendations, please contact me so I can add them to the resource bank.