What is IEMT?
We are constantly moving our eyes when we talk. For reasons that are not fully understood, those eyes movements appear to connect to the part of the brain that stores our memories and emotions. Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) uses specific language whilst guiding your eye movements in particular patterns, rapidly reducing the emotional impact of any unhelpful cycles of thought, feelings or behaviours.
IEMT does not require you to discuss your experiences or memories which is particularly useful when dealing with traumatic events, thoughts or feelings that you do not wish to verbalise. Clients report that during and after a session of IEMT, those memories or feelings that they have been unable to shift independently seem more distant, disconnected and often hard to recall.
What to expect
If we identify a pattern, feeling or memory that is unhelpful to you but difficult to ‘shift,’ we would often use IEMT. This would involve specific questioning from me and you following my moving fingers with your eyes while you are accessing certain memories. We would then reflect on the impact of those memories and repeat if needed.
“The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter- often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter- in the eye. ”